Terms and Conditions

    1. Acceptance of Terms

    The client agrees to the terms and conditions outlined in this document, superseding any of their own, regardless of when they were established. Any exceptions must be pre-approved in writing.

    2. Scope of Services

    Software4Business will clearly define the services provided, deliverables, and any limitations.

    3. Payment Terms: - 

    Fees and charges are as agreed upon. - Invoices are payable within 21 working days unless otherwise stated. - Payments overdue by more than 60 days may result in engagement of a debt recovery agency. All associated legal costs are borne by the client. - Late payments will incur a fixed interest of 10% of the outstanding amount.

    4. Term and Termination: - 

    Agreement term is as specified in individual contracts. - Grounds for early termination include breach of terms and non-payment.

    5. Confidentiality

    Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of proprietary information they gain access to.

    6. Intellectual Property

    Ownership rights and licensing for work created during the contract will be as specified in individual contracts.

    7. Warranties and Limitations

    Any guarantees provided about service quality and accuracy are as stated in individual contracts. Liability is capped at the total amount the client has paid.

    8. Indemnification

    Parties agree to compensate the other for certain acts, including breaches of the agreement or negligence.

    9. Non-Compete and Non-Solicitation

    Clients are prevented from pursuing business with our competitors during and for a specified period after the engagement.

    10. Dispute Resolution

    Both parties agree to negotiation, mediation, or arbitration before pursuing litigation.

    11. Force Majeure

    Neither party is held liable for contractual obligations during unforeseen events beyond their control.

    12. Data Protection and Security

    Measures are in place to protect client data in compliance with relevant regulations.

    13. Service Levels

    Performance and uptime standards, if any, will be defined in individual contracts.

    14. Modifications

    Changes to project or service scope will be communicated and managed as per individual contract terms.

    15. Governing Law

    All agreements fall under Australian law.

    16. Assignment and Delegation

    Software4Business reserves the right to delegate duties or assign rights to third parties or subcontractors.

    17. Waivers

    Failures to enforce provisions do not act as waivers of those provisions.

    18. Entire Agreement

    This document and individual contracts represent the entire understanding between both parties, superseding all prior communications.

    19. Notification of Claims

    Software4Business must be informed of any claims via recorded delivery within 8 days of service delivery or goods provision.

    20. Tax Responsibilities

    Clients in countries with withholding tax regulations are responsible for handling and paying such taxes. Software4Business is entitled to the full invoiced amount without any deductions.